Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Let me go home I've had my run baby I'm done I gotta go home..."

My last day here. I´m COMING HOME!!!!! hugs, kisses, tears, laughter, joy, greatfulness,´s all so overwhelming! I´m incredibly grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to witness his work in a small town in South America. :) I had no idea what I was getting into when I first came here when I was 16. No idea how much this place would capture my heart and how the Lord was going to use this place in my life.

It´s raining and did all last night too. Becuase of the condition of the roads were not sure if the bus will leave for Santa Cruz tonight. Were talking about other options, other village bus stops or maybe Andreas bringing us but if the roads are real bad, nothing will be able to get through. It´s possible I won´t be able to get to Santa Cruz in time and will have to reschedule my flight. I´m struggling because my heart is all set on getting home. All packed and ready!! Please pray the rain stops and if we do leave we have a safe trip to Santa Cruz. I know like everything else this trip the situation is in God´s hands...the best place to be. I just need to trust Him and be patient. Everyone here is kindly reminding me that God is in control of the that means God must want me to just stay here. :)

The retreat is going VERY well! It´s nice seeing all the pastors and/or their wives.I was sitting in the session yesterday and just couldn´t believe I was there. Hearing reports of what´s going on in all the villages and being there during the time of prayer....hearing them cry out to God for help. I´ll never forget it.

I was just talking to Joanna online and I asked if the kids were excited I was coming home...

joanna: yeah
i was talkin to mel a couple days ago
and asked if she was excited
and she's like "JUUUU-DAAA!"
"Ju-da comin' home!!"
"we're having a paaaaaaarty!"

Cannot WAIT to see her. :)

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragment these last three months. I am so grateful for you and am so incredibly blessed to be living life with you. What a trip. :) See you all very soon!!! :)

Love, Julia


Janelle Morrison said...

please post an update when you've landed safely and hugged your favorite necks for those who won't be able to greet you face to face!

Joanna said...

oh, haha, I forgot to tell ya:
Last week, we went hiking at Wekiwa Springs. We were about to start on the trail when Mom looked in Ben's backback to see what he brought along. The first thing she pulled out was the framed photo of you and Ben that you gave him before you left. I thought that was ridiculously sweet. :)
love you!!


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